Deliciosa receta de empanadas de espinaca para una cena nutritiva

La cena no tiene por qué ser aburrida, al contrario nos encanta crear una infinidad de versiones, mismas que pueden ser nutritivas y deliciosas. Hoy en día podemos decir que las verduras han tomado mucho más relevancia de la que podemos hablar y una de esas ha sido la popular y tradicional espinaca.

¿Cuáles son los beneficios de las espinacas?

Las espinacas son de los vegetales más populares y destacados. Es considerada un “superalimento” y cuenta con una infinidad de beneficios como fibra, micronutrientes, vitamina C, vitamina A y minerales. Aunado a ello se trata de una de las mejores opciones para la visión, tu cerebro, piel, cabello y más.

In conclusion, dinner doesn’t have to be boring, especially when you can create a variety of nutritious and delicious versions. Recently, vegetables, such as spinach, have gained more prominence for their many benefits. Spinach is considered a “superfood” and is packed with fiber, micronutrients, vitamin C, vitamin A, and minerals. It is not only beneficial for your vision, brain, skin, and hair, but it is also great for your metabolism due to its high water and fiber content.

To make the most out of spinach, we have provided a delicious recipe where you can incorporate it into a tasty dinner option. These spinach empanadas with chicken, avocado, and vegetables will satisfy your taste buds and provide you with a nutritious meal.

Here is a breakdown of the recipe’s ingredients and preparation steps:

– Spinach (recommended 1 cup, but you can adjust according to your preference)
– 1 egg
– 2 egg whites
– Salt and pepper (to taste)
– 120g shredded chicken
– 40g avocado
– Vegetables of your choice

1. Blend the spinach, egg, and egg whites until you achieve a homogeneous mixture.
2. Heat a pan with oil and spread the mixture evenly.
3. Cover and cook on both sides.
4. Once cooked, transfer to a plate.
5. Fill with chicken, vegetables, and avocado.
6. Roll up the empanadas.
7. Serve and enjoy!

This spinach empanada recipe is not only delicious but also nutritious. Each empanada contains approximately 48 calories, 3g of carbohydrates, 0mg of cholesterol, 5g of protein, 0g of sugar, 2g of fiber, 172mg of sodium, 3g of total fat, and 1g of saturated fat.

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So, next time you’re looking for a flavorful and healthy dinner option, consider incorporating spinach into your meal. Whether it’s in these empanadas or any other dish, spinach will surely elevate both the taste and nutritional value of your dinner.


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