Receta fácil y deliciosa: bizcocho de maicena para disfrutar en casa

Un rico bizcocho de maicena puede ser el postre esponjoso, afable y delicioso para elaborar desde casa y disfrutar de una rebanada especial con los seres queridos. Si andabas en búsqueda de un antojito que se puede preparar con solamente cinco ingredientes, entonces ten por seguro que esta versión muy particular será perfecta para ti.

¿Para qué sirve la maicena?

La también llamada fécula de maíz, es una fina harina elaborada con maíz que suele utilizarse ampliamente en el arte culinario para espesar algunas preparaciones como salsas, caldos, sopas, atoles y más recetas que necesiten una textura ligeramente espesa. Sin embargo, puede implementarse de muchas más formas, dentro o fuera de la cocina.

In conclusion, a delicious cornstarch cake can be the perfect fluffy, gentle, and delightful dessert to make at home and enjoy a special slice with loved ones. If you were in search of a treat that can be prepared with only five ingredients, then rest assured that this particular version will be perfect for you.

Maizena, also known as cornstarch, is a fine flour made from corn that is widely used in culinary arts to thicken certain preparations such as sauces, broths, soups, atoles, and more recipes that require a slightly thick texture. However, cornstarch can be used in many other ways, both inside and outside the kitchen.

To take advantage of this great and often inexpensive product, we are sharing a simple recipe for making a delicious cornstarch cake with a unique flavor and the perfect texture to be enjoyed on craving-filled afternoons with a hot beverage. Discover how you can make and then enjoy a delicious slice of flavor.

– 120g of cornstarch
– 150g of sugar
– 150g of butter
– 3 eggs
– 1 tbsp of unsweetened vanilla extract

1. Preheat the oven to 180°C.
2. In a bowl, mix the butter in pieces and at room temperature, beat until a whitish cream forms, then add the sugar and continue beating.
3. Break the eggs, separating the egg whites from the yolks, add the yolks to the main mixture and beat with folding movements.
4. Add the egg whites and continue mixing until they increase in volume.
5. Sift and add the cornstarch, mix for 3 minutes, then add the vanilla extract.
6. Place this mixture in a previously greased mold and bake at 180°C for 40-50 minutes. To check if it is ready, you can insert a toothpick into the surface of the cake, which should come out completely clean.
7. Unmold and enjoy a delicious cornstarch cake, remember that you can decorate it to your liking.

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Nutritional Information:
– Calories: 278 kcal
– Carbohydrates: 66g
– Cholesterol: 1mg
– Protein: 2g
– Sugars: 32g
– Fiber: 1g
– Sodium: 0mg
– Total fats: 54g
– Saturated fats: 1g

In summary, this cornstarch cake recipe is a simple and tasty way to indulge in a homemade dessert. Whether you’re a baking enthusiast or just looking to satisfy a sweet craving, this cake is sure to impress. So gather your ingredients, preheat the oven, and enjoy a slice of this delightful treat with your loved ones.


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