Samuel García advierte: volverá a contender por la presidencia en 2030

Samuel García Sepúlveda warned his adversaries from the PRI and PAN that “this is just the beginning” because he will run again for the presidency of the Republic in 2030 and he is going to win.

In a video posted on his social media this evening, he explained to the citizens that when he registered as a pre-candidate for Movimiento Ciudadano, he did so thinking that if he won, the state would do better; “but also because of this, in the face of the first and minimal risk, I reassumed functions,” he said.

The Movimiento Ciudadano member assured that he could have left Javier Navarro in charge of the government, but in order to do so, he had to compromise his principles “because the PRIAN repeatedly asked me for the attorney general’s office, the State Superior Audit, a lot of money in the next budget, and above all, impunity.”

He stated that he realized that his growth in these last few days was such that “the system trembled; I say it with all its letters: ‘the old politics derailed us.’ In ten days of precampaign and by visiting only six states of the Republic, we consolidated ourselves in second place, and we sent the PRIAN to third in free fall.”

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He affirmed that the shakeup was so big that they had to agree at the highest levels of these powerful factions to remove him from the race.

And he added: “To that PRI of Alito and that PAN of Marko who think they won yesterday, I want to tell them the opposite (…) today from Nuevo León I tell them that they messed with the wrong state, they awakened a lion (…) in 2024, rest assured that we are going to erase them from Nuevo León, they won’t win a single deputy, they’re out.”

#Jornada #PRI #PAN #reventaron #acuerdo #sobre #interino #Samuel #García
2023-12-03 02:25:00

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